Monday, October 11, 2010

Blah Blah Blogging!!!

Does this count as keeping a journal? Yeah, I didn't think so. : ( Oh, Well. What a slacker I am. I sort of forgot I even had a blog. : ) It's been over a year. Things are good. Things are pretty much the same.

I have been having a conversation with an Evangelical Christian woman. Several conversations in fact. We have finally agreed to disagree. I learn a lot about what they believe and I strengthened my own testimony of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The church is true and I am so grateful for the things it teaches me. Most of all I have gained a testimony about how important it is to keep trying and keep learning and keep getting better. My evangelical friend would interprete this to mean that I don't think I'm good enough. Her opinion of mormons is that they don't put enough of their faith in Jesus Christ. That if you truly accept Jesus you don't have to "work" at anything and you are "saved" no matter what you do. I know that Christ suffered for my sins. I know that I'm not going to ever be able to "work" my way to heaven. HOWEVER, I also know that as a loving father, God wants me to improve myself. I can't just sit back on my laurels and rely on Jesus' sacrifice. I must make myself worthy of his sacrifice and worthy of his blessings. It will never be enough and He makes up the difference but I need to be trying.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The attitude that you will never be good enough just seems a little depressing, huh? Instead, focus on the atonement and what Jesus did for you! If you truly have Jesus in your heart, you will want to serve him because you love him. Mormons have it opposite. Christians believe that they are saved as long as they have a belief in Him. If they really sincerely have that belief, they won't sit back on their laurels and wait for exaltation. They will WORK and DO and SERVE because they have the love of God in their hearts. I'm sure you have that, but are looking at it differently than a Christian would.